Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tummy Time

Daniel did not like being on his belly all that well. He did not do too bad, it could have been a screaming fit and he just kind of squirmed a bit. He sure did hold his head right up there nice and high and looked around a lot. After a minute or so he was ready to be done with that business.

My Flowers

Thought I would take a few photos of how my flower beds are coming along. The tall lilies are just starting to bloom and look so nice. Many of the flowers came from my mom's old house before she moved. The Stella d'Oro lilies are blooming like mad. I hope the knock out rose bush gets some nice pink blooms on it soon. Any day here the Black Eyed Susan's and pink cone flowers will be blooming for some more color. I spent several hours over the weekend pulling weeds, adding fresh mulch and trimming the spiral and topiary trees. Joah keeps moving the bunny garden statues all around. He calls them the bunny hops.

The Goat Parade!

We went to Lisa's house for a kid's book club event and read "The Goat Parade." It was Sam, Caleb, Joah, Daniel, Frances, Margo, and Lauren who attended. After Lisa read the book to the kids we all grabbed a musical instrument and went on a short parade around the neighborhood and made music. Sam and Caleb had their xylophones, Joah had a tambourine and Daniel fell asleep in the stroller. After the parade the kids played downstairs in the basement for a while and had lots of fun.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Daniel's Update

I took Daniel to the doctor for a well check last week. He is growing like a weed. He is now up to 14 lbs. 12 oz. which is the 97th percentile! He is fairly tall coming in at the 75th percentile in height at 23 1/2 inches long. He is doing really well and seems to be a healthy baby. I love how much he is smiling lately and cooing at me. It makes the sleepless nights all worth it! Especially when I see his big bright eyes gleeming at me and his gummy grin of pure joy. What a blessing Daniel is.


I took some photos of Ollie today. He likes to sit with me in the backyard enjoying the breeze and sunshine. He is such a little cutie.

Friday, June 20, 2008


The Red Baron
Our friend, Snoopy

Daniel in his ride
Go, Speed Racer!

Joah on the bumber cars
Are we having fun yet?

Sam infront of the Blue Streak roller coaster that he rode two times
We rode the Ocean Motion four times

Caleb and Sam both made a wish
We decided at the spur of the moment to load up the camper and go to Cedar Point. We got a spot in the Camper Village inside Cedar Point. The boys were so excited to go, words cannot describe it. We had a lot of fun riding the rides and eating ice cream and french fries. We were there for two days and managed to fit in almost everything we could ride several times. Caleb and Sam loved the rides and kid roller coasters and had a really great time. Joah got to ride a lot of kiddy rides and he seemed to love it, too. Daniel was pretty good and let us push him around in the "stroller coaster" both days. Sam rode the Blue Streak roller coaster and I was so impressed. He at first was a little leery and did not want to ride it, but I talked him into it. He said it was awesome and rode it again immediately after the first ride was over. I can remember being scared riding that roller coaster when I was 13 years old, I can't believe Sam rode it as a six year old!

Happy Father's Day!

Joah helped me make ham and cheese omelets for Dad for his Father's Day breakfast. He was SUCH a great helper, as you can only imagine. Daniel was all smiles for the occasion, even though he could not eat any of the yummy breakfast. Dad got to sit out on the patio and read his book for a little while. He also got some nice dress shirts and shorts and some coffee and chocolate covered coconut candies. Later we went to John's house for supper and had a fish fry. I got my dad a tool box for Father's Day. John and Jeff and I went together and got him the kind that goes on his trailer. Cathy picked up an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and it was good!

Grandpa Rob's Birthday

Happy birthday, Grandpa! His birthday was June 12 and he turned 89 years old. I stopped by to say hello and wish him a happy birthday. I also had a piece of cake and ice cream, of course. A few days later we visited on Father's Day for supper at John's house. I made him a scrapbook for Father's Day.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lake Elementary Playground

We went to the playground at Lake Elementary School on Thursday for a little while. It was very hot! Poor Daniel was not too happy to be in the stroller after a while. The boys complained that they were too hot and wanted to go see Dad. We walked over to the middle school and looked for Dad, but he was in a meeting. We waited in his office for a little while, but after the chocolates got raided, the white board got scribbled up and the boys spilled water all over his desk, it was time to go. We wrote Dad a note that we were there and left to go back home.