Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sam's Christmas Program

Reindeer 1 and Reindeer 2
Strike a pose
So darn cute
Sam on stage - back row on the right
Sam's friend, Rick, was Santa Claus
Sam waiting to go on stage

Cedar Creek Church Light Display

We went over to Cedar Creek Church to see their light display. The boys thought it was really cool. We sat in the van and listened to Christmas music from the Trans Siberian Orchestra, which was choreographed to the lights. Afterward we went to McDonald's for supper. Now, THAT was awesome. Or so the boys said.

Caleb's Christmas Party

I thought this little boy was so cute. He sure liked his cupcake.
Lub enjoying his juice
Who swiped the "Y"?
Singing "Happy Birthday, Jesus"
Joah, Daniel and I went to St. Jerome Preschool for Caleb's classroom party. The kids made a bead craft, played Christmas bingo, sang happy birthday to Jesus and ate cupcakes and cookies. Joah liked playing with the water fountain...a lot. His sweater ended up all wet. Caleb had fun and wished everyone a Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Caleb's Advent Chain

Caleb's homework was to make an Advent chain. He cut the strips of paper all by himself and looped them into the links. I taped them together for him. He made a link for each day until Christmas. Everyday he cuts a link off the chain and then counts the links remaining. Joah "helped" too.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Thanksgiving Gatherings

It's all fun and games until someone pokes an eye out
Grandma Rita, Aunt Denise, Aunt Chris and Quentin
Uncle Adam, Uncle Phil, Drew and Austin
Grandpa Clet, Lee, Greg, Jo and Dan
Caleb and Alan...& some serious gambling going on here
Sam with his cousins, Faith and Craig
Grandpa Bob and two of his grandsons
Not sure why Uncle Jeff thought it was a good idea to let Jo have his camera

Sam taking notes of his exploration journey

Hunting Kit Kat bars in Grandpa's backyard
Jo found one!
All the kids searching for hidden Kit Kat bars
Daniel in the exersaucer

Jeana Lisa and Baby Stephen