Sunday, August 31, 2008

Daniel's First Food

Today we decided to give Daniel some solid food for the very first time. Dad made some rice cereal flavored with a bit of banana. Daniel did not seem to like it very much. He managed to swallow a couple bites, but he wasn't too thrilled about it. He pretty much spit out most of the spoonfuls of cereal right away and pursed his lips shut after that. I am sure he will change his ways one of these days...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Caleb's First Day of School

Caleb started pre-school today at St. Jerome School. He goes to school three full days a week. He was all excited to go and I thought all was going very well. He put his backpack and lunchbox away and settled in at the Lego table. After about ten minutes I thought I would go since he seemed to be having fun and playing well. I was wrong. When I told him I was going home the tears started flowing big time. He kept saying, "But, I want to be with you, Mom" over and over. I don't think he realized that I was not going to hang out with him at school all day. He did not say he wanted to go home, he just did not want me to leave. I stayed for ten more minutes, but it was clear he was not going to stop crying. The teacher said I should just go ahead and leave and he would eventually stop crying. It was better to just go and get the separation over with. I can't believe how hard it was to walk out the door with Caleb trying to hold my hand and crying for me to stay. He looked so small and scared; it was awful. I hope he is doing OK and that the crying did not last long.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

The whole gang eagerly awaiting some cake.
Caleb picked out the cake today from The Anderson's.
It was a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and M&M's on top.
Very sweet!
The quietest Joah was all day
These two boys each had seconds!
Daniel and Dad

Monday, August 25, 2008

Shopping Excursion from You Know Where

So, I still don't have all my school supplies purchased. Yesterday after Lee and I took ALL the boys to the eye doctor, we decided to go to Wal-mart. Sure, that sounds like a great idea. Let's take all four kids and go shopping on the weekend. Caleb starts school this week and he doesn't have a backpack or lunch box yet, among other supplies. Everyone said Wal-mart was the place to go for the best prices, so we went there.

We looked all over the store for a backpack and all that was left was Hannah Montana and Hello Kitty. Well, neither of those options is gonna fly with Lub. In his words..."Uh, that's a GGIRRRLLL backpack, uuuhhhggg." Sorry, Caleb.

As we are walking around trying to remember all the junk we need to buy because neither one of us bothered to bring the supply list, we walk past the ladies clothing section. Caleb then points out the bras and YELLS, "That's what Mom needs. A BRA!!! Are we gonna get Mom a bra? Mom needs a bra! Hey, why aren't we getting a bra for Mom?" over and over and over... I could here the snickering from three aisles away.

Then as we decide to walk to the sporting goods area, which is way the heck on the other side of the store, AND you have to pass the toy section, Sam begins his relentless bombardment of requests for toys, magazines, video games, movies, candy, etc. etc. etc. Finally by the 15th request and denial for whatever, you name it, I flip out and lose my patience. NO, STOP ASKING ME FOR STUFF!!!!! Do you think I have an endless money supply to buy all this stuff you keep asking me for? Everything costs money, Sam, and I don't have any!!! No, the answer for the last time....IS NO! Don't ask me again!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Then Joah feels the need to start his attack on Caleb. He guns for him; pushing him, hitting him, touching him, yelling at him, walking TOO close to him. This, of course, drives Caleb nuts. Joah has the devil in his eyes and can't control himself and has to taunt poor Caleb, well, because he is the easiest target, I guess. They start running and shrieking and behaving so poorly, you would think they are never out in public. People start giving me "THE LOOK" that I have seen and know all too well.

By this time, Lee and I are just chucking stuff in the cart in order to get done and get the heck out of the store. Before we accomplish such, Caleb finds a cake and jams his fingers into the lid and smooshes it down into the cake. Joah finds the chips and proceeds to punch all the Ruffles potato chip bags to oblivion. Note to self, buy chips off the top shelf and not at a two year old's height. Then Sam, Caleb and Joah all climb into the toilet paper shelves and play hide and seek until I drag them out by their ears.

We finally get to the van and are totally exhausted from the whole afternoon. I don't think we will be doing that again any time soon. At least Daniel was good. Give him a few months, I am sure he will be trying to catch up with the rest of them.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Sam's First Day of First Grade

Sam was back to school on Tuesday and excited to go. He said he had a good day and he likes going all day now. His kindergarten was only a half day last year. Sam has a desk in his new classroom and he thinks that is cool. Mrs. Circle is his teacher and he has gym, music, art and library this year. All went well until the end of the day on the bus ride home. Sam and his friend, Rick, were chatting and not really paying attention and they forgot to get off the bus at their stop. The bus driver had to come back around and drop the two boys off at the end of his bus run.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Tube Time

Abby enjoying the boat ride
The boys reviewing the hand signals for tubing
Dad and Grandpa Herman
Dad riding the waves
Caleb's first time on the tube went well, but he said he did not like it
Sam loved tubing; he went for two runs

Fishing with Grandpa Bob

Fisherboy Jo
Sam's gonna catch a whopper
Abby wants that fish!
Joah caught one
Is Sam driving the boat?

Monday, August 04, 2008

Sara's Birthday Party

Grandpa Rob and John
Sara's little friend, Allie
Aunt Barbara and Stephen
The birthday princess
Sara with her birthday gifts
Caleb and his Lego creation
Jeana and Daisy
Slidin' Jo
Jeana on the monkey bars
Uncle Jeff, Great Grandpa Rob and Grandpa Bob visiting on the patio
Birthday girl making a wish
Cupcake facial
Grandma and Jo having some cake
Uncle John and Daniel
Cathy holding Daniel and Cheryl holding Stephen
My Grandpa Rob
Aunt Theresa with Baby Stephen
Great Grandpa Rob with his great grandchildren: Caleb, Joah, Samuel, Daniel, Cathy, Stephen, Jeana and Sara.