Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Daniel and the Sippy-cup

Daniel's new favorite thing is the sippy cup. He took no time in learning to master it. He looks like such a big boy now with his cup. Seems like yesterday we were coming home with him and now he is almost one. He still has not gotten a haircut, much to Lee's disapproval. I think he looks so cute with his soft wispy hair and I don't want to cut it yet. Daniel loves music and bounces to the beat every chance he gets. He delights in playing with everyone and watching the big boys be goofy. He is teething right now and drooling all over the place. His top teeth are coming in now, but not the two in front. He is getting the next tooth over in first. It looks kind of funny. He has only taken a few steps on his own. He is standing for periods of time and balancing a bit. He is good at cruising along the couch to get around. Soon he will be chasing the big brothers all over.

Pretty Flowers

My adorable son, Caleb, went to the grocery store with Dad the other day and suggested to Dad that they get Mom some flowers. Caleb picked these out because the were bright and colorful and he thought I would like them the best. He is a sweetie.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dog-sitting Kayla

Since my neighbors are at the hospital having their baby, we are watching Kayla, their dog. She is a cute little thing! The boys really like petting her and having her around. I told them not to get any ideas. She is very playful and a real sweetie.

Welcome Roman!

Roman Michael arrived Friday, March 13, at 8:05 p.m. He weighed in at 7 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches long. Congratulations!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Good Luck to Jim and Tiff

My neighbors and friends, Tiffany and Jim are having a baby today! I pray that all goes well for them and that little Roman comes into this world safely. I am watching their dog, Kayla for the weekend while they are at the hospital. Can't wait to hear the good news! Congratulations!