Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Harrison Lake State Park

Sam at the top
Our campsite
Look, Ma, No Hands
Geese Family
Lots of swinging
More swinging
Jo's a big boy
Jo likes the swing
A pretty posey for you
Bacon and Pancakes breakfast
I can get up all by myself
cute butt
The requisite bon fire
Sam winning UNO with Grandma
Caleb the artist
Coloring is fun
Very grubby baby
I like chocolate
Scooter Boy
At the beach
We like UNO
Sleeping baby
Extreme Close Up
Taking a break from swimming
COOKER MOM strikes again
Ring Bologna and Onions...breakfast of champions
View from our camp site
Fun at the bon fire
Dining inside the motor home
Here we are about to take off on our first camping trip
Buckle up
Our first camping trip in our "new to us" motor home. We went for two days and had a really fun time. The boys loved sleeping in the bunk bed, or as Sam calls it, "the loft." We had bon fires and s'mores, swam at the beach, went for walks and played on the swings a lot. Grandma and Grandpa Herman came up for an evening and had supper and a bon fire with us.

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