Tuesday, October 30, 2007

At The Park

The afternoon was so nice for the end of October we decided to fit in a trip to the park. We really like Woodland Park in Perrysburg because it is only six minutes away, it has a gated kiddie playground AND a big kid playground, and there is a nice walking trail around the perimeter. Joah had a blast keeping up with the big brothers, Sam and Caleb. He wants to do everything they do. I caved in and ended up letting Joah play on the big kid playground for a while. I had to climb on it myself and follow him everywhere since there are lots of places he could fall through. Of course, no trip to the park is complete without a Star Wars battle re-enactment, courtesy of Master Jedi Sami-won-kenobi and Jedi Calebikan Skywalker. We walked about half a mile on the walking trail until Joah decided it was time to carry him. We cut our walk short and headed to the van at that point. It was a picture perfect time.

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