Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mickey D's

I went to McDonald's this morning after I took Caleb to school. I have to admit, I bribed Joah with a trip to McDonald's if he would behave and listen to me while we were still in Caleb's classroom. So...since he was good and did what he was told...I had to follow it up with an actual trip to McDonald's. The lady at the register was so nice and friendly as we talked for a minute. She asked me if she could give Joah a bag of sugar cookies as a treat. I said yes, so Joah got a bag of cookies. As he was eating them we were looking at the different shapes and one was of a head of a person. I said, "Oh, look, Joah, it is Ronald McDonald!" He studied the cookie with a look of confusion on his face and then proclaimed, "No, Mom, that's Grandma!" I did not ask which Grandma it was, though.

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