Friday, July 20, 2007

Update #4

Yesterday was a dreary, rainy day. We went to Cheboygan to the super WalMart for a few groceries and miscellaneous things. Lee finally got his deodorant. We also found a few camping supplies we could not live without.

We decided to take a risk and go to The Cross in the Woods in Indian River, MI. It looked like it was clearing up, so we were optimistic. But, by the time we got there and went to the bathroom it started to pour down rain and it did not stop. We ran to the gift shop and lurked around there for a while. I bought a few things and then we went inside the church.

The old church has been added on to so the new church is now the church and the old part is offices and other rooms. The new church is very modern looking with huge windows behind the alter where you can see the cross outside. It is amazing. I really wanted to walk outside in the outdoor sanctuary and see the other sculptures. We waiting for a while hoping the rain would stop, but no luck.

I ended up going out by myself and Lee stayed in with the boys. I took some pictures, but they are not as nice as they could have been if the weather had been better. I was the only person out there and it was peaceful. The side of the cross has 28 steps leading up to it which represent the 28 steps Jesus climbed before he was condemned to death by Pontius Pilate.

I was heading back inside and I noticed the Virgin Mary statue and walked over to it. I read the plaque and stood there for a while admiring the piece of art. It was carved out of Italian marble and was all white. I said a Hail Mary and as soon as I said "Amen" a light above her popped on. I looked around and none of the other lights anywhere else outside were on, just the one where I was standing.

We all went to the Doll Museum in the basement of the church. It is a huge collection of priest and nun dolls that were privately donated by some woman, I forget who at the moment. There were a whole lot of dolls. I was amazed. It was interesting to see them all out on display. I think the sign said it was the largest collection in the world.

We then left and headed back to the campground. It was raining still and we noticed at one point hail along side the highway. We ventured off to find Wilderness State Park, thinking it would be easy to find. It took us a hour to find it since it was so far off the beaten path. We eventually found it and wandered around in there for a while, but it was too wet and rainy, so we just went back to the camp.

I made stew for supper and we did get a bon fire in after the rain cleared out. Today it looks like a much nicer day weather wise. We are going to the island today. Our neighbors here at the campsite are also going, so we might see them there and visit with them. We are renting bikes to get around since you cannot drive on the island.

Time to get some breakfast and get ready to go. Have a pleasant day.

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